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Educational Sessions

Have you ever taken a photo that looked great "in camera" but made it home only to realize that it wasn't as great as you thought?

Have you ever wondered if you could restore an image that was not properly captured "in camera" during post (editing)?

Have you ever wanted to take your photography skills to the next level?

Check out my educational options below and get ready to become a better photographer!!

Learn "Manual Mode" Sessions

Do you consistently shoot in "AUTO" mode?

Do you wonder if you have what it takes to take your photography to the next level?

Are you ready to learn how to capture beautiful pictures using the "MANUAL" mode on your camera?

Learn "Off Camera Flash" Sessions

Vision 4.jpg

Do you understand the purpose of using flash with your photography?

Do you know what and why certain flashes/strobes are used during a photo session?

Do you know when and when not to use certain gear based on the environment that you are photographing in?

Mastering "MANUAL" Sessions

Do you shoot in manual mode but need a little more clarity?

Do you understand the exposure triangle?

Would you like a hands on tutorial on how to master the manual mode on your camera?

Behind The Scenes

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